So if you’ve come to the site in the past few months, you might have noticed something.  That something being that we have not updated anything in quite some time.

That’s our bad.

Anyway, as you might have guessed, we’ve been pretty busy recently.  That’s not an excuse, but just a fact of life.  As it turns out, both Spencer and I enjoy doing other things on occasion, and sadly this has encroached on the amount of  “comic time” we have.

But fear not, for great things are coming shortly, including:

– A slight format change in which our heroes may or may not survive!

– More podcasts!

– Health insurance for all of our employees!*

All this in what I’d like to call the upcoming Season Two of Normaltivity.  But you know, it’s like the cable seasons:  short, sweet, and with a long hiatus in between.

In the meantime, please enjoy our new temporary comic.  I took a correspondence course recently called “Mastering MS Paint:  It Works Better If You Don’t Have Too Much Coffee”.  Did it help?  I think the results speak for themselves.


*By this I mean our employees are free to buy their own health insurance.